====== Travian - Browser Game ====== ===== INTRO ===== Well, here we go, my first review. I am not a writer or a journalist, so don't expect anything wordy or eloquent <- big word for me. I am just an IT guy who likes to play video games. I am not the best at any game, nor am I the worst...usually. I've been playing video games since about the age of 6. I cut my teeth on the Atari with games like Combat, Maze Craze, and the immortal Pac-Man. Enough about me, I'm supposed to be talking about [[http://www.travian.com/|Travian]].
I heard about it on a set of forums I frequent ( [[http://www.msuhivemind.org/forum/|MSU Hivemind]]) and thought I would check it out. Turned out to be pretty fun. It was a little slow at first, but after you get a couple of villages going, it gets more interesting. Travian is like a RTS in slow motion. You collect and manage resources, construct buildings, conduct research, and amass large armies. The basic point of the game is to collect artifacts and build a wonder of the world. The tough part is...so is everybody else. Check out the 60 second [[http://www.travian.com/tutorial.php|tutorial]] and their [[http://help.travian.com/index.php|help site]]. Travian's documentation is very impressive, especially when compared to other online browser games. This article is longer than some of help pages I've come across. They also have forums setup (as would be expected) so you can ask any questions that are not covered on the help site. ===== PROS ===== ***Support**
From what I've seen, their support is top notch compared to most. If you include all the 3rd party fan-based support, it's even better. ***Community**
Travian has a large following that makes for challenging and entertaining play. ***Built-in Communication Features**
There are built-in messaging, alliance comms and forums. ===== CONS ===== ***Gold**
To compete with the leaders, you have to spend Gold. Gold costs money. Now the game is not FREE. ***Demanding for some**
Some people I've talked to found it rather demanding. To be more competitive you need to be checking in throughout the day. Many were expecting a nice relaxing game that you check several times a week. ===== SUMMARY ===== In the scheme of things, Travian is an excellent browser game. My biggest gripe would be the cost (in real money) to buy Gold. I honestly feel it is a little pricey for the game...especially when compared to !WoW or better yet Xbox Live. If you decide to give it a try, don't be afraid to talk to people. Join an alliance. Don't be a douche to people because you'll probably get pwned. Stay civil and you'll have a great time. I definitely recommend the game. -- FredPettis - 04 Jun 2009