====== Setup Snort on Ubuntu Server ====== * !MySQL Method * CS-MARS Method * [[http://openinfosecfoundation.org/documentation/index.html|Suricata - Snort Alternative]] There are some areas of overlap, but the latter will be much simpler since CS-MARS is providing the correlation and front-end. Hardware recommendations: CPU, RAM & HD Storage depends on the amount of traffic. At least 2 NIC's - 1 for sensing and 1 for management Install a base Ubuntu Server. Here is a link to basic IP setup: [[ChangeUbuntuServerFromDHCPToAStaticIPAddress]] Here is a sample /etc/network/interfaces file (MTU settings are optional): # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static mtu 9000 address netmask network broadcast gateway pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules auto eth1 iface eth1 inet manual up ifconfig $IFACE up up ifconfig $IFACE mtu 9000 up ip link set $IFACE promisc on down ip link set $IFACE promisc off down ifconfig $IFACE down ===== Installing ===== [[SnortNotes|Notes]] ===== Adventures in Multi-Snort ===== [[Multi-SnortNotes|Multi-Snort Notes]] ===== Auto-update Rules ===== You will need to generate Oink code on the snort website for either method. ==== Oinkmaster ==== Edit ''/etc/oinkmaster.conf''
Look for the "url ''" line.
Comment it out and add the one generated on the snort site.
Create a user "snort" and add it to the group "snort".
Run the follwing command and add the info to the crontabe file:
**sudo crontab -u snort -e** # m h dom mon dow command 00 17****** /usr/sbin/oinkmaster -C /etc/oinkmaster.conf -o /etc/snort/rules ==== Pulledpork ==== Edit ''/etc/snort/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf''
Look for the "rule_url =" line.
Comment it out and add a new one using the code generated on the snort site.
Verify that all the paths are correct.
Create a user "snort" and add it to the group "snort".
Run the following command and add the pulledpork command info to the crontab file:
''sudo crontab -u snort -e'' # m h dom mon dow command 00 17****** /etc/snort/pulledpork/pulledpork.pl -c /etc/snort/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf Try running the pulledpork command to make sure it works. If not run the following commands and try again. sudo apt-get install libssl-dev zlib1g-dev perl -MCPAN -e 'install Crypt::SSLeay' ===== Configuring for CS-MARS ===== First, we need to add the device to CS-MARS. Login and click on the Admin tab. - Click on _Security and Monitor Devices_. - Click the Add button. - For the device type select _SW Security apps on a new host_. - Define Snort as a reporting application. - Specify the networks we are going to monitor. - Submit and Activate Now, back to the Snort sensor. We need to configure it to send events to CS-MARS. - Edit the**snort.conf** file. - Change the output to the following: output alert_syslog: LOG_LOCAL4 LOG_ALERT - Add a redirector in the**syslog.conf** file to send the syslog to the CS-MARS appliance. local4.alert @x.x.x.x x.x.x.x is the IP of MARS - Restart the Snort and Syslog daemons. ===== Tuning Snort ===== Edit the**threshold.conf** file, and add the following lines if you are using the pre-processors. # Get rid of annoying http_inspect alerts suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 19 suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 16 suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 15 suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 14 suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 3 suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 2 suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 4 suppress gen_id 119, sig_id 7 * [[http://mikelococo.com/2011/08/snort-capacity-planning/|http://mikelococo.com/2011/08/snort-capacity-planning/]] * [[http://www.netsieben.com/b2evo/blog7.php/2008/11/12/tuning-snort-and-flex-response|http://www.netsieben.com/b2evo/blog7.php/2008/11/12/tuning-snort-and-flex-response]] * [[http://www.snort.org/assets/127/Snort_Perf_Tuning_webinar_Final.pdf|http://www.snort.org/assets/127/Snort_Perf_Tuning_webinar_Final.pdf]] * [[http://www.snortid.com/snortid.asp|http://www.snortid.com/snortid.asp]] <-- SID Lookup ===== References ===== [[http://www.snort.org/assets/158/Ubuntu-snortinstallguide2903.pdf]]
http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man8/snort.8.html -- Main.FredPettis - 12 May 2010